Late last night, the Israeli embassy in Cairo, protesters invaded. Demonstrators destroyed the wall of the embassy and embassy documents ruffled. Israel's ambassador to Egypt, Yitzhak Levanon, were evacuated by military aircraft out of the country.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, immediately ask for help its ally, the United States President Barack Obama. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, also contacted his counterpart in the U.S., U.S. Defense Secretary, Leon Panetta. In essence, Israel asked the U.S. Embassy to help protect Israel from attack.
Demonstrators against the Israeli Embassy attack, suspected as a sign of worsening relations between Egypt and Israel. The BBC reported, a protest outside the Israeli Embassy in fact been going on since August 18, 2011. At that time, five Egyptian policemen were killed. All five were allegedly killed by Israeli troops.
Egyptian officials said the five Egyptian policemen were killed when Israeli troops hunting militants who cross the border between the two countries. Israeli troops hunt down the militants, because the previous bus that contains Israeli civilians in the area of Eilat, Red Sea resort, was attacked by armed groups. Eight people were killed in the incident.
Deaths of five Egyptian police in the hands of Israel, followed by a demonstration of hundreds of Egyptians outside the Israeli embassy. They burned Israeli flags and demanded the expulsion of the Israeli ambassador. The Egyptian government says the death of the police they can not be accepted.
However, Israel refused to be responsible, although they expressed regret to the death of the policeman. Israeli Defense Minister said he had ordered the establishment of a joint investigation team to investigate the incident with the Egyptian army.
Police deaths at the hands of Israel and Egypt attacked Israel by the Egyptian Embassy, marking the increasing escalation of tensions between the two countries. After Egypt and Israel to undergo fairly harmonious relationship in the future leadership of Hosni Mobarak, now 30-year-old peace treaty between the two suffered major test of leadership after the fall of Mubarak.
Under Mubarak, diplomatic relations between Egypt and Israel is very stable. In fact, before Mubarak's lead, the history of conflict between the two countries met. Today, Israel and Egypt's deteriorating relationship, the more spread fear among Israeli officials about the future of Egypt and the relations between the two countries, in the hands of the new government.
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