Sunday, September 18, 2011

Five For SBY Cabinet Popularity sales drop

Research institute Indonesian Survey Circle (LSI) was founded Denny JA launch their latest research results. In this activity, they found that the results of public satisfaction over the performance of the second volume of SBY's cabinet declined.
In addition to using quantitative methods of data the results of interviews to 1,200 respondents, the survey using a qualitative method of in-depth interviews and analysis experts.
According to researchers LSI, Adjie Alfaraby, qualitative methods are used in order to complement and strengthen the data found. In addition, respondents are those who are experts in their respective fields. They were taken evenly throughout Indonesia as public figures, parties and academics who are all numbered 100 people.
Under that method, LSI trying to capture at least five reasons why public satisfaction drops against the performance of SBY's cabinet. What are five causes?
First, a scene of corruption cases in the two ministries, and minister Menpora. "SBY hum like to lead the war against corruption. SBY Statement bitter fruit, was corruption going on in her own home," said Adjie.
Second, the policy of ministers who felt negative and shocked by the public. "There are four cases, policies are considered poor and less populist. First, the issue of gas cylinders, under the coordination of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Darwin Zahedy Saleh. Secondly, the issue of migrant workers, under the minister Muhaimin Iskandar. Three, about remission corruptor, Minister of Justice and Human Rights , Patrialis Akbar and four about religious tolerance, the Minister of Religious Affairs, Suryadharma Ali, "he explained.
Third is the image of a moral defect minister - cheating -. Adjie said, though more to personal issues, but it remains a public assessment.
Fourth, the public is not satisfied in the areas of ministerial responsibility. Indicators of macro economic growth is felt not in accordance with the reality beneath. Two ministries related to this one, namely the Minister of Agriculture Suswono. Secondly, the Minister of Housing Suharso Manoarfa.
"Voters generally complain about their economic condition. Two of the most striking issue is the problem of rising food prices and housing."
Fifth, is the minister of health problems. In this case, Endang Rahayu Sedyaningsih Health Minister, and Minister for SOEs, Mustafa Abubakar in the category.
"Five of these causes contributed to the decline in public satisfaction over the ministry of SBY. The order was made based on the fifth level of damage produced. The first order, cases of corruption at the ministerial ranks of the most damaging image of the ministry," said Adjie.

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