After successfully presenting Trans Studio in Makassar and Bandung, the national employers Chairul Tanjung would build a similar amusement park in Solo. Solo Mayor Joko Widodo, supported by ready to provide 10 hectares of land for the construction of the Trans Studio.
The plan, Jokowi familiar call the Mayor will meet with the owner of Trans Solo Studio, Chairul Tanjung to ask establish certainty in the Solo Trans Studio.
"Before I had contacted Mr. Lebaran Chairul Tanjung that we are ready to provide land area of 10 hectares for the construction of the Trans Studio. He said after Lebaran Pak CT will see the land but what I have not finished," said Jokowi.
Therefore, this next week Jokowi Chairul Tanjung planned to meet in Jakarta to explore about the certainty construction of the Trans Studio, Solo. "We're ready. Indeed, many areas are lined up so that Trans Studio was built in the area, such as Medan and Balikpapan," said Jokowi.
He further said since the beginning actually Solo became the second city for the construction of the Trans Studio entertainment arena after Napier. However, it turns out that Trans Studio development both in Bandung.
"Owner determines to be the third city of Solo Trans Studio development. Formerly it's number two before the Bandung know. Wong when invited to the inauguration of the Trans Studio in Makati, he said the next Trans Studio will be built in Solo," he said.
Jokowi too optimistic if the Trans Studio to be built in Bandung Solo certainly able to compete in terms of number of visitors. "The crowd was later than all of Central Java and East Java half. Tolnya Solo Especially if the road had become definitely more crowded," he hoped. (ren)
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