Japan is known as a country often hit by earthquakes and tsunamis. This is why a Japanese company, Cosmo, creating a rescue capsule specially designed to anticipate the tsunami disaster.
Supposed to function just like Noah's ark, the rescue capsule is then called Cosmo Noah. Has a shape such as round-yellow tennis ball, Cosmo Noah will float when the tsunami came.
Experts say that makes this capsule, Cosmo Noah made of special fiberglass material compacted. Thus, if there are earthquakes and tsunamis devastating, just as happened on 11 March, is expected to rescue capsule could save people who are on it.
Cosmo company president, Shojo Tanaka said, this capsule has been pilot-tested and resilient to various shocks. This capsule can contain up to four adults.
In addition, the capsule also has a window and a hole to breathe. If not used during the tsunami, these capsules can be used as a playhouse for children.
Cosmo said capsule is ready to be launched since the beginning of September. The company has received orders at least as many as 600 pieces at the end of September.
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