Thursday, September 22, 2011

6 High School Students Appreciate Teachers

Brawls that often do a number of students admitted SMA 6 Jakarta police has been difficult to overcome. Counseling to students related to violence, fighting, kidnapping, narcotics are often ignored even the elite school students.

"High school students do not appreciate the six teachers, adults, and the police. When given the extension, they tried to go around, like the feet of students raised on the table, and never listen to lectures," said Chief of Capability Development (Binpun), Directorate of Police Policing Metro Jaya, Commissioner Jaenur, Thursday, September 22, 2011.

Added Jaenur, the role of alumni in every action brawl frequently occur, because the behavior was hereditary, like alumni even worsen the situation to occur brawl. Alumni are also often intimidated the juniors.

"They did a provocation, for example, hurt by the other schools were then derived. Should have already established alumni who frequently communicate with the juniors, such as counseling or just a story about the brawl had a negative impact," he explained.

Location of school SMAN 6 itself is not right, where left and right sides there is a mall and terminal. Calm conditions and away from the noisy city, the right location for the establishment of a school.

Meanwhile, it has always tried pressing the onset of fighting between students in the region. He also will conduct repressive actions to provide stern measures and the deterrent effect to students who like to brawl.

"For that, instill moral values​​. Do not be easily provoked, do not look for popularity. It's usually like hip and famous. It is sometimes ostracized if not participate," he explained.

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