Thursday, September 22, 2011

Problem Wisma Athletes, Angie Sondakh Still Silenced

Former Miss Indonesia and also member of Parliament, Angelina Sondakh allegedly involved in cases of homeless athletes. Angie was always silent whenever asked about the case which called itself involved.

While accompanying his son to the physical development center in a mall in Jakarta, he seemed to serve several questions from reporters. But he was impressed reluctant to answer when asked about the case

"It has become part of political risk, I somewhat casually responded," said Angie familiar greeting when found in Rockstar Gym, Plaza Indonesia, Thamrin, Central Jakarta, on Thursday evening 22 September 2011.

Asked about the call itself to the Commission related to alleged misappropriation Wisma project Athletes, Angie is also Vice Chairman of the House Banggar said that he was only trying to professionals.

"Yes casually wrote, we must respect the work the Commission, we must help the smoothness as good citizens. So it should come to give clarification, so come alone. Whatever we are ready," said the wife of the late Adjie Massaid.

For him the problem he faces now is not as heavy as when he was left by her late husband. He was sure not going to involve a lawyer to pursue a case.

"All I will live alone without a lawyer, even if later in court. To work and political issues, I am strong God bless you all. But if the problem Mas Adjie it is the hardest thing in my life, until now been willing to eight months it still taste really , it is better if Mas Adjie there, "he complained.

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