Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Contaminated transfusions, India 23 Children Got HIV

A total of 23 children in Gujarat, India, HIV positive after receiving blood transfusions. Currently, authorities investigating why the hospital where transfusions may be performed chances.

Reporting from the BBC website, Monday, September 12, 23 children were patients with thalassemia who received blood transfusions in the hospital district of Junagadh, Gujarat. The hospital denied the allegations that the blood supply they contain the HIV virus and spread it to others.

Similar doubts also delivered by Gujarat Health Minister Jay Narayan Vyas. He said that all 23 children are likely to be infected after receiving blood transfusions from other places. He also stated, based on inspection, some children are known to have HIV first.

This was later denied by strict parents, who say their kids just get a transfusion from the hospital Junagadh. "We've never been to another hospital for a blood transfusion. How can the authorities claim they are first infected with the HIV virus?" Salim said, one of the parents.

To 23 children are known to have HIV after a routine inspection conducted by the Indian health of 100 children with thalassemia. Age of poor children between five and 10 years.

According to a UN-backed government agencies, as many as 2.5 million Indians infected with HIV-positive. As many as 22 percent of that amount is a resident of Gujarat, Bihar, and Uttar Pradesh.

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