Thursday, September 15, 2011

India Distribute 6.8 Million Free Laptop

Government of Tamil Nadu state in southern India share of about 6, 8 million laptops free of charge to junior high school students. The division of these laptops are meant to catch up technologically and economically with other states of India.

Reported by the BBC page, Thursday, September 15, 2011, laptops were distributed to all junior high students in Tamil Nadu without exception. This state is the first region in India who received a free laptop on the government's five-year program.

The division of this laptop is one of India's Ministry of Education promised earlier this year. The sponsors say the program helps students who want to use a laptop but their parents can not afford it.

The Indian government hopes these laptops can help the economy of Tamil Nadu to compete with other states in creating generations of computer technology literacy.

Not only is the laptop, the Indian government also promised to distribute food blenders and cutters for the residents. In addition, the government will also provide them for free cattle, such as goats and sheep. This program is included in the food subsidy program for the needy.

However, the program is not without criticism. Various programs that cost hundreds of millions of dollars it spends too judged the state budget. Critics say that big money should be used to improve social services and infrastructure in some areas lagging behind.

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