Wednesday, September 7, 2011

PDAM : Jakarta Water Crisis

Regional Water Company (PDAM) ensure Jakarta is experiencing a water crisis. Although there is no interference caused by the collapse of the West Tarum Canal levee, Kalimalang, East Jakarta, there are 115 customers who do not get clean water or zero consumption.

President Director of PDAM DKI Jakarta Mauritz Napitupulu, said, in the event of supply disruptions caused by breached levees, there were 60 thousand and 95 thousand subscribers Aetra Palyja customers who do not receive water supply.

"This is worse due to the collapse of the floodgates," said Mauritz in the office of taps, Pejompongan, Jakarta, on Wednesday night, September 7, 2011.

According to Mauritz, as many as 95 thousand customers Palyja than 400 thousand customers are not getting water for a long time, even though they already have an installation of pipes but no water.

"This is not the customer's name, do I need to let the correction is not called the customer," he said.

Many operators pursue and add customers without regard to quality. The goal is to avoid a penalty, but unfortunately the need for clean water are not met.

In addition, Mauritz also assess the water crisis due to the topography of the city are very limited, so that Jakarta can not have good water resistance as the Mother City. Jakarta depends West Java and Banten, to the availability of clean water.

"Jakarta shortage of natural resources (SDA), very ugly, but it's fact, so it does not have its own reserves of raw water," he stated.

Followed Mauritz, for desalinization of sea water or treatment is very expensive. While the use of flow 13 times that pass is also not possible because of bad quality.

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