Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Watch out, trashy NASA Satellites Will Fall to Earth

U.S. space agency, NASA warns its space satellites already in operation will not fall to earth at the end of September 2011. Satellites that would fall was named the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) with a weight of 6.5 tons.
UARS deactivated in 2005. The spacecraft is in charge of observing weather and climate. NASA estimates that this satellite will plunge to earth last weekend in September or the beginning of the week in the month of October.

Although most satellite UARS will burn because of friction with the atmosphere, it is estimated there are still parts that will fall to the earth's surface. NASA warned people of the earth will risk falling debris UARS.
NASA officials said there were odds of 1 per 3200 which will fall to earth and will hurt the population. Scenario that the satellite is expected this fall in the surface ocean, thereby causing no human casualties.
"The earth is very large, while the satellite is small. Opportunities on people very, very small, depending on the weather the sun, gravity variations, satellite and other orientation. However, the fall in the near NASA's UARS should be predicted more accurately," said NASA official was quoted as saying
Space agencies for the first time announced the possible collapse of this satellite last week. Therefore, experts should be able to explain the pathway and ensure UARS orbit today.
"On September 12, 2011, the UARS orbit is 145 miles by 165 miles (235 km to 265 km," NASA official wrote in a statement.
This satellite has a length of 10.7 meters and 4.5 meters wide. Satellite crash site is still be analyzed, but the area spread of the fall of material estimated at 800 km.
NASA officials said there were at least 26 parts of a satellite that will be up to the surface of the earth. Communities are encouraged not to hold the debris UARS. Law enforcement officials also asked to declare all UARS debris should not be stored and sold by anyone because it is a property of the American government.
UARS was built at a cost of U.S. $ 750 million. Launched in 1991 to study ozone and other chemical structure exist in Earth's atmosphere. Since then, international standards relating to cessation of the satellite captured.
Currently satellite launch and pengembaliak to earth should be safe. However, no standard operating procedures for return to Earth.

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