Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Demo in the U.S. Revolutionary Egypt Try Repeat Success

Tens of thousands of people camping in Manhattan, preparing to launch a protest movement demanding the abolition of corporate greed and corruption in the United States. This movement is inspired by the upheaval in the Middle East and Africa who managed to start a revolution.
Based on their site,, called the Movement Movement Wall Street Master This is a movement without a leader. Its members consist of community wide variety of colors, gender and political opinion, right or left.

20s youth movement members claim that they are 99% of Americans are against 1% corrupt, loan-sharking and official corruption. They were what hurt the line down the middle of the U.S. who must fight for survival.
"We are 99 percent. We are evicted from the house. We are forced to choose between buying food or paying bills. We are rejected by quality health care. We are suffering from environmental pollution. We are forced to work excessive but low paid. We did not get nothing, while the one percent got it all, "writes the site.
Their first demonstration began on 17 September 2011, with 1,000 demonstrators. Demo is then performed on October 1, 2011 at the Brooklyn Bridge, New York. This time followed by a demonstration of about 5,000 people poured through the streets. More than 700 people were arrested for violating the rules.
In their first propaganda in the service Adbusters, they say uses tactics of the Egyptian revolution of the people demanding justice in the Tahrir field last January. That they do today, gathered in one spot in Manhattan, setting up camp, cooking, forming a barricade of peace, and plan the next steps. They said they would do this until a few months.
"Movements in Tahrir succeeded because the Egyptian people simultaneously providing a clear ultimatum-Mubarak to step down, again and again until they finally won," wrote their propaganda.
Demands To Obama
Their demands is for the President of the United States, Barack Obama made a special commission to abolish the control of the money for the deputies in parliament. In addition, they demanded the abolition of corruption in government bodies and stakeholders. Not only that, their claims are also diverse, ranging from the environment, police brutality, the helter-skelter economy and the various demands of the union.
"Now is the time to DEMOCRACY not corporatocracy. We will be ruined without it," continued writing on the site.
The plan, they will return to massive demonstrations on Wednesday. Demonstration times are expected to be attended by about 20,000 people from various walks of life. They write, about 40 trade unions and community organizations will participate in the demo this time.

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