Nuclear is synonymous with something scary. Hiroshima
atomic bomb, Nagasaki, Chernobyl nuclear reactor meltdowns, Fukushima
incident, as well as other things are perceived frightening.
Though there have been decades in the nuclear community and are familiar in daily life. Medicine is a field that had long since nuclear use.
many years ago, many hospitals nationwide have used Radioisotope
production in the country for purposes of diagnosis or therapy of
various kinds of diseases.
Agriculture is also a field that has long enjoy the benefits of nuclear technology. Nuclear is often campaigned daunting it can be used to produce seeds of superior plants required for increased production.
researchers in the country has a lot of seeds produced through the
utilization of nuclear technology to the process of irradiation. Rice seed nuclear utilization of these superior results can be qualified to produce 11 tons of rice for each hectare.
Not to forget to agriculture and medicine, animal husbandry sector also is contributing to enjoy the use of nuclear technology. Nuclear could actually be used to make vaccines for certain diseases in farm animals.
Not only that, nuclear also was able to be used to measure the elements and the amount of scattered particles in the air.
The industrial sector also benefited through the use of nuclear power. Thus, nuclear proved to have many benefits in our daily lives.
energy is like others such as water, air, and fire in the number,
dosage and specific treatment can certainly be a friend. Conversely,
if the amount, the excess dose, water, air and fire can become a
dahsyat.Tsunami humanitarian disaster, flood, fire shelters, factories,
markets and forests, for example.
As human beings living in modern times, never could imagine what would happen if you have to live without electricity. To be sure everything will be all dark, black and invisible.
However, have we ever thought that our beloved country has been an imbalance between use and supply of electricity.
fact, rolling blackouts are still going on and haunt some areas on the
ground again air.Belum still have 30 percent of the people of Indonesia
that has not felt the joy of living together listrik.Pembangkit-power
plants that we have apparently not sufficient demand for electricity.
from this, the government plans to continue to increase the number of
power plants, energy springs from coal, petroleum, gas, geothermal,
wind, sunlight, waste, until nuclear.
Another benefit of nuclear energy is that it can be used to power plants. Therefore,
the government is considering to make electricity Nuclear Power Plant
(NPP) as an alternative for future energy needs.
of increasing economic growth, as unemployment and poverty alleviation
efforts, it will be a mere dream in broad daylight, if this country does
not have sufficient electrical energy.
NPP was judged able to save the use of fossil energy such as oil, gas and coal reserves continued thinning.
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