Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wreck of Warship Found Kublai Khan

The wreck of the warship from the 13th century found off the coast of Japan. The debris that is fleet of Mongol ruler, Kublai Khan, whose term was invaded Japan.
Japanese legend mentions two invasion attempts made by the Yuan Dynasty was destroyed by a hurricane called Kamikaze. Hundreds of ships and thousands of soldiers drowning due to storm which is also called 'Wind God' by the people of Japan.

Two of the invasion was carried out in a span of seven years. According to historians, two attempts to invade Japan Yuan Dynasty ended in failure due to typhoon.
First, in 1274, there were reported 900 ship fleet Mongol army equipped with sophisticated weaponry at the time it sank in Hakata Bay when the Japanese would attack. Since the storm hit, the power of Yuan must be returned to Korea in a sad state after the battle Bun'ei.
Meanwhile, in 1281, two fleets each measuring 900 and 3,500 ships carrying 150,000 soldiers attempted Mongol invasion. Initially, troops Korea, China, and the Mongols captured the island of Iki and Tsushima. But, they were thwarted by the defense seawall in mainland Japan.
The second Hurricane then hit the Tsushima Strait, destroying about 80 percent of the fleet of Kublai Khan. Thousands of Kublai Khan's army drowned and some even massacred by the Japanese Samurai after reaching the mainland.
Kublai Khan are believed to have prepared a large fleet for the invasion. They forced the shipbuilders make the river boat that is not suitable for sea. He even thinks and has vowed to carry out the invasion of the third before his death at age 78 impressive.
Hull intact
The boat was found intact in the form of the hull. This section will not be immediately removed. However, to prevent damage will be temporarily closed with mosquito nets. It also found more than 4,000 artifacts, including ceramics, pots soil, shell, and stone anchor is also found in the debris around the ship.
Professor of archeology at the University of Ryukyus, Okinawa, Yushifumi Ikea said the discovery part that is still intact is a great help reconstruct war ship with a length of 60 feet. "This discovery is important for darting through our research," said Ikea.
"We plan to expand the search for and find more information in order to help us complete membangunkembali ship."
"I believe we can understand more about the ability to build ships at the time such as changes in East Asia today."

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