Tuesday, October 25, 2011

70 Year shipwrecked, Dutch Ship Found

The divers who were on the depth of the sea in the north of the island of Borneo found a carcass of a sunken Dutch submarines in World War II era. The ship has been declared missing for 70 years.

"Hr. Ms.. KXV (or K16) is missing with 36 crew in 1941 has been found," such as the Ministry of Defense released the Netherlands in Den Haag, as published Borneo Post, October 26, 2011.

The ship was discovered by divers from Australia and Singapore in the waters on the island of Borneo. "Thanks to information from local fishermen."

However the Ministry did not mention the exact location of the ship sinking, to honor the victims and families of the deceased.

Ship weighing 1,000 tons that is part of the fleet of the Allied forces to stop the invasion of Japanese forces in the Dutch colonies in the Netherlands Indies. Nahas, the ship got torpedoed Japanese submarine chaser, Sagiri on Christmas Eve 1941. A day after ship sank into the ocean floor.

This discovery adds to the findings of the Dutch submarine that lost World War II era. Now, only one ship that is still mysterious existence, Hr. Ms. O 13 - are believed to be at a point in the North Sea.

Meanwhile, as published Broadcast Radio Netherlands Indonesia, six of the 36 crew K16 is an Indonesian.

As published daily De Volkskrant morning, welcomed the findings of the families of the victims. One of them, Katja Boonstra (69). His father, Willem Blom was an officer in the ship. According to him very important for relatives to find out where and how their father or grandfather died.

Katja even joined in the search mission at K16 in the South China Sea. He said, these findings will make naval personnel happy. "They think, if we one day disappear under the sea, we will not be forgotten," he said.

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